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App.jsx Component

This file defines the main component of the web application, setting up routing and layout structure.


import { BrowserRouter, Route, Routes } from 'react-router-dom';
import './App.css';
import NavBar from './components/navbar';
import HomePage from './Pages/Home/home';
import InfoPage from './Pages/Info/information';
import Gingi from './Pages/Gingi/gingivitis';
import Phenotype from './Pages/Pheno/phenotype';
import Osmf from './Pages/OSMF/osmf';
import Caries from './Pages/Caries/caries';
import MouthOpening from './Pages/Opening/opening';
import SelectionPage from './Pages/Options/options';
import Results from './Pages/Result/results';
import Calculus from './Pages/Calculus/calculus';

import { isBrowser } from 'react-device-detect';
  • BrowserRouter, Route, Routes: Imported from react-router-dom, these are used to handle client-side routing in the application.

    • BrowserRouter: Wraps the entire application to enable routing.
    • Route: Defines individual routes (pages) in the application.
    • Routes: Groups multiple Route components.
  • App.css: Imports the main stylesheet to apply global styles across the app.

  • Component Imports (NavBar, HomePage, InfoPage, etc.): These imports bring in different pages and components from the /components and /Pages directories, each representing a separate part of the app.

  • isBrowser: Imported from react-device-detect, this variable is used to check if the application is being accessed on a desktop browser. It helps conditionally render content specific to browser environments.

App Component

function App() {
return (
<div className="flex flex-col min-h-screen">
<NavBar />
<main className="flex flex-col justify-center items-center flex-grow py-20">
<Route path="/" element={<HomePage/>}/>
<Route path="*" element={<h1>Page not found</h1>} />
<Route path='/info' element={<InfoPage/>}/>
{isBrowser && <Route path="/opening" element={<MouthOpening/>}/>}
<Route path='/selection' element={<SelectionPage/>}/>
<Route path="/osmf" element={<Osmf/>}/>
<Route path="/gingivitis" element={<Gingi/>}/>
<Route path="/phenotype" element={<Phenotype/>} />
<Route path='/calculus' element={<Calculus/>}/>
<Route path="/caries" element={<Caries/>}/>
<Route path='/results' element={<Results/>}/>


  • function App(): Defines the main functional component of the application, App.

  • <BrowserRouter>...</BrowserRouter>: The BrowserRouter component wraps the entire application, enabling routing capabilities.

  • <NavBar />: The navigation bar component, imported at the top, is rendered here to provide consistent navigation across the app.

  • <main className="flex flex-col justify-center items-center flex-grow py-20">...</main>: Defines the main content area of the application.


The <Routes>...</Routes> component contains all individual route definitions. Each route specifies a path (URL) and a corresponding element (component) that will render when the URL matches.

  • <Route path="/" element={<HomePage/>}/>: Renders the HomePage component at the root URL (/).

  • <Route path="*" element={<h1>Page not found</h1>} />: A wildcard route (*) that matches any path not specified in the other routes. This displays a “Page not found” message when users navigate to an invalid URL.

  • <Route path='/info' element={<InfoPage/>}/>: Renders the InfoPage component when the URL is /info.

  • {isBrowser && <Route path="/opening" element={<MouthOpening/>}/>}: Conditionally renders the MouthOpening route only if the application is being accessed from a browser, as determined by isBrowser.

  • Additional Routes:

    • /selection: Displays the Disease Selection Page component.
    • /osmf: Displays the Osmf component.
    • /gingivitis: Displays the Gingi component.
    • /phenotype: Displays the Phenotype component.
    • /calculus: Displays the Calculus component.
    • /caries: Displays the Caries component.
    • /results: Displays the Generated report.