📄️ HomePage.jsx
This page contains the code for Landing Page of webapp.
📄️ Information.jsx
The InfoPage component is designed as an information-gathering form for users to enter personal details such as name, age, gender, and village. It includes a virtual keyboard for non-mobile devices, allowing input in the name, age, and village fields.
📄️ Options.jsx
The SelectionPage.jsx component is located in /src/Pages/Info/ and represents a selection page that allows users to choose from different options related to various disease detection modules.
📄️ Opening.jsx
The MouthOpening component allows users to select a camera, stream video from it, and capture a photo of their mouth opening. The photo is sent to a backend server for analysis, and the results are displayed. The component also handles camera selection, toggling streaming, and displaying the results with options to capture another image.